Tuesday, October 30, 2012

oohh so this is how it all works

obligatory blog post.
maybe if i don't post anything for a long time, the blog will turn itself off. and no one would really notice. probably not even me. is forced creativity better than no creativity? and is "blogging" even creative? well, sure it is. it's writing just with a different name, "blogging." and if anyone challenges "writing" as a creative process, well they obviously have never fully surrendered to the process.
whether this is creative or not, i'm not gonna worry about it. but i will tell you that this morning i awoke with a joy that i haven't felt in quite a while. after many months (years?) of disappointments (maybe i'm being a bit dramatic but it all adds to the surrendering to creativity), i finally woke up this morning feeling like "oh, so this is where i'm supposed to be right now." truly. although i'm still broke and uninsured and no vacation planned, i just may be doing exactly what i've been wanting to do. snuggling all night and waking up and going to work to be a school nurse. not bad at all. actually, it's effin extraordinary.
I cooked a great dinner last night because i had the means and the desire to do so. means + desire = good shit.
i cooked squash soup, plantains, black beans and quinoa, and lemon chicken. the boy was happy. so was i. although i've been getting full easily and yet my tummy seems to be fattening up. i'm only semi-complaining about the tummy fat.
i really miss visiting new york. and i'm sad to hear that some of the city is underwater. if anyone wanted to fund a trip for me to go and do some disaster nursing, they should totally do it and i'll write a really nice thank you card and wish you nothing but good dreams and good meals forever.
i'm looking forward to more day of the dead festivities this weekend (hollywood forever dia de los muertos event was....dizzying. although the energy and love of the altars resonated with me despite all the outside noise and piles of people) and a little bit of yoga.  this is where i'm supposed to be right now. enjoying all of it.